Connecting a Node to the Server

Initialize node

On a Windows command prompt enter the following command:

SageNodeConsole_x64.exe nodeName {server_IP_address} {port_number} *{scheduler_mode}

On a Linux terminal enter the following command:

SageNodeConsole nodeName {server_IP_address} {port_number} *{scheduler_mode}

scheduler_mode is optional and accepted mode values depend of the current CPU load:

  • “high” - Scheduler runs with sub millisecond accuracy and yields the processor between runs of the scheduler. Running in high mode is not recommended for battery powered devices.

  • “medium” (Default) - Scheduler runs every 1-2 milliseconds.

  • “low” - Scheduler runs every 15 milliseconds.

To verify if a SAGE Node is operational, check the prompt window and confirm that the following text is displayed

Connected to SAGE runtime using ip address {server_IP_address}:{port_number}.