Capturing the Test Results

A Result object provides a reporting mechanism back to the server to indicate the results of the execution of a Behavior’s methods.

The m_logMessages member is a vector of strings and is intended to provide a log of events that occurred during the execution of a Behavior.

You can capture messages back to your Robot report by appending to this m_logMessages list:

public boolean action(Result result)
        System.out.println("Hello World from Action");
        result.m_logMessages.add("This is log message string3.");
        result.m_executionResult = ExecutionResultType.CompletionSuccess;
        return true;

public boolean message(Message message, Result result)
        System.out.println("Got message");
        result.m_logMessages.add("This is log message from message string1.");
        result.m_executionResult = ExecutionResultType.CompletionSuccess;
        return true;

As a result, your Robot log should read:

This is log message string3.

This is log message from message string1.

While your console reads:

Hello World from Action

Got message

All execution logs and results are pushed back to the Server. Logs and results can be found on the Server machine in the following directories:

Logs directory: "C:\ProgramData\SAGE\logs"

Results directory: "C:\ProgramData\SAGE\results"